Surprises, last minute changes, opportunities, prospects, background. More or less, all these affect the decisions we take in our daily life. The denominator is the freedom we enjoy which is also a decision we have taken unconsciously.

However, life is full of options (along with chances) and there are always two ways to achieve things. The easy way and the hard way.

Having said that, our decision that later became a major principle is to choose always the hard way.

Before taking the decision to quit our jobs, we wanted someone to assure us that the trade-off freedom vs comfort zone would be fair and worthwhile. Isn’t is selfish? For sure it is but there was only one way to learn; the hard way.

After almost 5 years on the roads, we always had -at least- two options. The easy one was to “sell” the trip, join the social media platforms and show off nice pictures, write up dramatic -or even diplomatic- stories & chase the Likes, the Subscribers & the Followers. Let me give you a real life example: having 5.000-10.000 followers on Instagram guarantees an easy -as well as lazy- trip in terms of promotion and sharing which can be easily monetized if you want.

Instead, we have decided to follow the hard way of personal contacts and connections with locals wherever is possible. Experience the culture, share stories, spend quality time with communities or families, cook for our hosts and spread the word of our life change. Traveliving is fun -no doubt- but everything comes at a price.

This makes up the incredible number of almost 300 people all around the globe in Africa, Australia, Europe & America.

Guess what? We are so proud of it. Most important, we are proud of having REAL FRIENDS following this trip.

We have 3 days left until next Monday the 10th. An almost 30% of our contacts have already supported our romantic mindset of taking the hard way & we have made almost 40% of the final goal of 3.000 EUR (or 3.400 USD).

Which way are you choosing 😉


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1 Comment

The Traveliving Series: How To (self-) publish your first travel book – the pin project · December 10, 2017 at 13:37

[…] has been already discussed in some Traveliving Series articles like The Social Media Phrenitis, Decisions, Decisions, Decisions, […]

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